Sunday, December 7, 2008

It's Four Months Later and the Brother Authors Continue to Put Their Voices on Record

Winter snow
By Slayton Goodman
Dec.6, 2008

Snow shoveling my favorite chore
Winter my favorite time of year
Let all rivalries be no more
Let us join in Christmas cheer
I don’t need to wait anymore
For the first snow is almost here
Nothing I want to do more
Than spend time with the ones I hold dear
Our savior born on this day
The greatest gift of all time
So let’s go celebrate
Winter time on my mind

Brother Author Slayton inspired the poem below. I continue to find power in his words.

In a Barren Field


Alfred Tatum

Out in the wilderness is a flower
That speaks to us with power
Among the weeds in a barren field
Among The weeds in a barren field
Yet in still
He speaks to us with power
Only if we can find a way to listen to that flower
I hear you young brother
I will pass your voice on to others
I will pass your voice on to others
It is your voice of power
That gives me the hope of becoming a flower
Among the weeds in a barren field
Among the weeds in a barren field

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